
Things to consider before studying abroad

By Gopal

16 November 2020 21:17 PM | UPDATED 4 years ago

16 November 2020 21:17 PM

It is no wonder that every year many Nepalese students opt. to study outside the country whether it be India, Western countries, Europe, and many more (which includes 69 countries). The flow of students leaving the country for their higher education is increasing and alarming at the same time. According to the Education Ministry, more than 300,000 students are pursuing their education outside the country.

Not only students, but many parents also want to see their children get international degrees and settle outside but have we ever thought about what it is like to study outside our comfort zone, work part-time, have a very busy schedule, have visa problems, and whatnot. To make it easier for students and parents to decide the true scenario of international education, we have mentioned a few things to consider before pursuing your dream of getting higher education abroad.

Affiliation/Registration of educational institutions:

We want to go abroad and get an international education degree but we should also check the background, affiliation, and managerial conduct of the potential educational institutions. We have ample examples of how foreign institutions are fooling international students and are focused on business rather than education.

Therefore, make sure to research more about the institutions, and testimonies so that we can find some pictures about the present scenario of the institutions. The best way to have the knowledge about them is internet. So, utilize the virtual platform to find information as much as you can. So that, you can save your time and especially money.


Money is not everything but it is something that can buy more something. Most of the international students belong to middle-income families. Students think they can manage money/fees after they land abroad and parents think they don’t need to financially support once their children are out of the country. It is seen that students are taking admission to inexpensive universities or colleges without considering their own financial capabilities which have caused trouble afterward.

Students have the option to choose from different universities with different fee structures. It is best advised that among many options when it comes to colleges and total costs. Don’t follow the trend and friends but look for reasonability and affordability so that you won’t have an extreme financial burden after your graduation.

No guarantee of work:

There are many educational consultants who put butter on student’s faces and make them believe the part-time job is easily found and guaranteed. How can we be so sure to get job opportunities from an unknown land when we ourselves have less chance of jobs in our country?

Please don’t be totally dependent when someone says you will get this or that job because having too much expectation can lead to disappointment. Don’t pay any money to any person when they make you believe they will find you a job. Believe in yourself, work within approved hours a day, or weeks stated by the given government so that you won’t have a bad reputation when staying and applying for a visa extension.


Generally, students pay fees of 6 months or 1 year prior to going abroad. Having a part-time job ensures that your living expenses are covered but not your entire expenses. Students do work more than given hours because they have to pay their fees and manage their living expenses, but it can cause problems unless and unless you get caught.

Parents and students should plan beforehand how they are going to manage the costs. It is better if the students have 1-year equivalent costs accumulated before so that they don’t have to worry about the financial part and focus more on their studies.

Prior Study of cultures and traditions:

It feels completely different when we go from one district to another district within our country. Think about how we are going to feel about a totally new place and environment.

So, the internet is at your rescue, search, and study any cultural indifferences of the country or place where you desire to study in the future to prevent any possible culture shocks.

Learn to have patience:

Patience is a great healer. Since you thought to study abroad and fortunately you got permission to study abroad but don’t rush to get everything at once. It takes time to learn and understand everything in a new place. Don’t think earning money is the ultimate goal to study abroad.

Have the patience to learn new things, explore new places, and how things are done. After getting proper education and exposure, I bet there will be no difficulties to earn and learn.

Establish your aim:

Why do you want to study abroad for education? Are you really going for education or do you have other motives like to get a settlement or earn money for a better future? Think and ask yourself what you want to be in the next 10 years. Then establish your aim and work for it.

Don’t go because your friends are going, your relatives are doing great. Everybody has their sorrowful stories which they don’t show on the social media platforms. Go abroad to study because you have some goals and dreams because you have the guts to achieve something in life.

Talk to people who are already experienced:

You may have friends, relatives, and acquaintance that are already in your dream country. The majority of them can say don’t come because they have their own share of stories and the minority encourages you to come.

Don’t be overwhelmed and demotivated because there can never be the same experience for everyone. Try to talk with them and hear their experiences which can help you decide what can be better for you. You can talk to your seniors of universities and colleges and get a better picture of future education institutions you are going to learn. You can find help in finding places to live through websites. Try to find good agents and mentors who can help you and make your journey a little easier.

Don’t forget mental health matters:

Health, either physical or mental, both are important. Never ever ignore your mental and inner health because there are ample examples where international students have committed harm to themselves or others due to anxiety, depression, and inferior complexity.

People will say you to be mentally strong, means to be ready to handle yourselves alone, be willing to take up the challenges, and never give up on your dreams.

Lastly, there are many other things that might not be on the list but don’t forget that a student visa is for your time to study abroad, it doesn’t ensure your life settlement. So, get your education completed and work for your goals of getting a good job or settlement. Take your time. Only then, your dreams can be fulfilled and the purpose of studying abroad can be accomplished. So, before going to study abroad, consult with your educational consultants who are reliable, search online, know the pros and cons, analyze your financial parts, and go for your dreams.